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License: MIT build

socklib is an open source C++ library that aims to provide a Platform agnostic Python-Like Socket object. The object give you access to the BSD socket interface by creating a wrapper around C interface, while also adding some more methods inspired by Python's socket module.


To be able to use socklib, you will need a modern compiler that supports C++17.
The following requirements are also necessary:

  • premake5 with the ability to run it from the command line.
  • make (on Linux)
You can find more information on how to install & use premake5 here.

Build & Testing

Start by clonning the repository with: git clone
Then depending on the platform you use, you have to generate and build the project following those steps:

  • On Windows:
    • premake5 vs20XX (where XX the version of Visual Studio you have).
    • Open the solution file that was generated or use msbuild in order to build the library and run the tests
  • On Linux:
    • premake5 gmake2
    • make to build the library and the tests
    • ./bin/Debug-linux/tests/tests to run the tests


In order to use the library on your own project you will need:

  • Add the include folder as an include directory on your project
  • Link your project with the apropriate socklib.lib file (Debug or Release)


An example of an echo server using socklib:

#include <socklib/Socket.h>

// ------- Only at the Entry Point file -------
#define SOCK_MAIN
#include <socklib/Platform.h>
// --------------------------------------------

using namespace socklib;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Socket server(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  server.Bind("", 55555);
  char buffer[KiB];
    auto [sock, client] = server.Accept();
    const auto& [address, port] = client;
    int bytes = sock.Receive(buffer, KiB);
    bytes = sock.Send(buffer, bytes);
  return 0
An example of a Client that connect a send a message to the server above:

#include <socklib/Socket.h>

// ------- Only at the Entry Point file -------
#define SOCK_MAIN
#include <socklib/Platform.h>
// --------------------------------------------
using namespace socklib;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    constexpr char msg[] = "Hello from socklib";
    char buffer[KiB];
    Socket sock(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    sock.Connect("", 55555);
    int bytes = sock.Send(msg, 19);
    bytes = sock.Receive(buffer, KiB);
    return 0;

Third Party Libraries

  • Catch2 is used as a unit testing framework.
  • premake5 is used for project generation.


  • Fell free to contribute to any of the open issues or open a new one describing what you want to do.
  • For small scale improvements and fixes simply submit a GitHub pull request.